Futurama, positivity, robots

Wiretap Wednesday – Futurama Robots Top Ten list!

1. Sean Evans tweet –

2. Top Tier Wholesome Posting and other facebook nonsense

Futurama, scariest Robot top ten list discussion

Honorable Mention
Lucy Lui bots
Mom’s Killbots

10. The Femputor
9. Destructor
8. Robot Devil
7. Planet Express ship as voiced by Sigorney Weaver
6. The sunset squad reaper
4. Clamps
3. Santa Claus
2. Roberto
1. Bender Bending Rodríguez – Benderama – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630887/ Grey Goo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_goo

Mothra Twins

data destruction, infosec, positivity, privacy, science, Uncategorized, Youtube

Hard Drive to Hell: An Infosec Series




Difficulty – 7/10
It take a lot of swings
Workout 7/10
Do enough hard drives and you can skip right to leg day
Chance of getting data off that drive: 1/10
Danger: 8/10
Parts fly off and shoot everywhere
Fun rating: 8/10
That crunch is more satisfying than a cat eating junebug!
Cost: 1/10 borrow your grandpa’s hammer!



Difficulty – 7/10
Soldiers of the Serbian Army!
Workout 7/10
The Kaizer has come!
Chance of getting data off that drive: 1/10
Danger: 8/10
Fun rating: 8/10
Sabaton is the best metal band ever, also, it’s fun to play with hammers.

Tech Sully Extra note: we learned that neodymium magnets spark when you smash them with a hammer, that is pretty awesome!


maker, music, podcast, positivity, Uncategorized

New feature: Podcast Suggestions


Sorta transcript follows as always:

Greetings Podcast listeners. Dan, aka “Tech Sully” here – We continue our focus on creators and crafters, and the maker community. Right now the news is awful, just awful, but you know what, take care of what you can, take care of who you love and, this is the important part, make something you’re passionate about.


To that end we’re going to cover podcasts we love here. It shouldn’t surprise you that we love podcasting, and since I commute for at least 15 hours a week, I listen to scads of podcasts. These are shows created by folks that love what they are talking about, and the passion is infectious. I’m always on the hunt for new podasts, and hang around to the end of the podcast where you can suggest podcasts you’d like us to cover here.


I’m not going to rate the podcasts, just tell you what to expect if you give them a listen.


Ok, on with my first podcast suggestion The Reclaimed Audio podcast! Now if you’re an old school maker, you’re thinking everyone knows this podcast, but I just discovered it last month, and if you are a maker who hasn’t heard it, you’ve been missing out like me.


This podcast is about to hit 100 episodes, the audio quality is excellent and you can jump in on any episode. The hosts are Bill Lutes, Phil Pinsky, and Tim Sway. If you’ve ever searched for someone who makes a guitar on YouTube, well you’ve seen Jimmy DiResta’s guntar – BUT if you’ve clicked on any of the side links, there is a darn good chance Tim Sway is one of those links on the side. And the guitars you see him making are from reclaimed wood usually!


The hosts are from the US and Canada, and are just hilarious. Phil and Tim are big youtubers, and William “Bill” lutes is on there as well, but doesn’t have as many videos. Sorry I’m jumping all around. But the episodes have a theme, usually from listener questions – such as how to get material to work with, the ethics of when you can take something from the curb, and the best places to get stuff from. You can search for the episode that suits your interest or just listen along.


They stay pretty focused, but laugh and joke like you’d expect old friends to do. One of my favorite parts of the episodes is Bill’s groaner jokes that crack him the heck up, and Phil or Tim valiantly trying to drag the show back on track.


Tim and Phil are the professionals at this and Bill lutes is the hobbyist, so when Phil and Tim are talking CNCs, Bill has the perspective of us wrench turning normies. But speaking of hand tools, Tim Sway just released his own hand tool called the Sqwayre that is a marking knife, square, card scraper, awl and more in one tiny tool. This isn’t an ad, I just want one bad, here is a link to it:http://timsway.net/sqwayre.php


The guys don’t talk a ton about their youtube channels, but watching their vids will give you context to understand the episodes sometimes.

You can listen to this one in the car with your kids, they actively try to stay below what you’d find in a PG-13 movie. That said, I doubt your kids will be like “oh mummy, daddy, please put on Reclaimed Audio!”


Ok, so the links for the podcast are in the show notes, or just go to soundcloud.com/reclaimedaudiopodcast


So that is my take on why you should listen to Reclaimed Audio, but you’re thinking “Sully” there is another podcast you’d love, how do I tell you about it? Well post it in the comments below, tag me on Twitter, @landimal and/or @thepodcaste. We’re looking for podcasts that aren’t in the iTunes top 10, preferably that are small enough to not have ads and need the exposure of our 3,000 pairs of ears and eyes.


I’ll listen to 3 episodes – usually the first, last and a random middle episode and let folks know about it here, or hear it here.




(Tech) Sully out.






#WiretapWednesday, clinton, Donald Trump, Libertarian, podcast, politics, positivity, technology

WTW108: Tech takes over the news, let’s find common ground after voting day

In this episode, video games history is getting erased. Older games are well archived, but XBox era games are getting harder to experience.

Tech Sully breaks down the recent tech news from DDoS hitting the Internet to the most recent #PodestaEmails.

Tech rounds out the episode with a prediction about the next four years.

At this point the election is on rails, an unless either candidate is clapped in irons before the election one of these monsters is going to be president, strap in and enjoy the ride.

We’ve mentioned before how little politics should matter in our daily lives, and The Podcaste would like to remind you that losing friends or family over this stupid election isn’t worth it. Find common ground with your loved ones, and avoid the conversations that get toxic.

So keep talking it out, and for no reason here is a Corgi dressed as Captain America.


#FBImWithHer, 3rd Party, bernie sanders, conservatism, corruption, data destruction, Democrats, Donald Trump, Email Scandal, emailgate, FBI, Gary Johnson, Hillary Clinton, podcast, politics, positivity, Republicans, scandal

How Emailgate reminds me of Stanley Kubrick’s death


(listen here or subscribe on iTunes: search “thepodcaste”)

Honest Clinton Campaign Bumper Sticker:



FBI Director James Comey’s statement


Everything’s bad with Hillary’s Emails…



Even Clinton Friendly Washington Post is noticing this is bad!


…and MSNBC.



Is there any hope for the future?  

Yes, this is a call to action, we need a reasonable and measured response and we need to campaign to get the ridiculous amounts of corruption out of government.

More to Come.



I’m going to go ahead and #breakfromnewsbreak here and plug our YouTube channel.  We’ve got some stuff up there now but are going to be piling funny and insightful things up there soon. Watch this video about Dog Donation and subscribe:



#blacklivesmatter, 2nd Ammendment, Aleister Crowley, Anonymous, Ben Carson, bernie sanders, Big Pharma, blacklivesmatter, bomb, budget, conservatism, corruption, Cruz, Donald Trump, dope pope hats, drugs, Duterte, Filipino, Hillary Clinton, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, IOOF, Islam, islamic state, Joe Biden, Kurdistan, Kurds, legalize it, Liberalism, News, Obama, Odd Fellows, Ordo Templi Orientis, OTO, over reaction, Philippines, pinoy, podcast, politics, positivity, prescription pills, race, radioactive, Rape, Religion, satire, secret societies, secret society, Skepticism, t.p.p., terrorism, Thelema, Trans Pacific Partnership, trump, Turkey

Baltimore Panda Bomber/Weekend Review


Tech and Gun recap the week of posts and also bring up the panda attack in Baltimore… which turned out to be a hedgehog attack, looks like Tech was right on that hattip to twitchy:     http://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2016/04/28/confirmed-baltimore-unitard-bomber-dressed-as-hedgehog-not-panda-motive-revealed/ (but no, twitchy, it wasn’t a “unitard” because that means a one piece leotard. You mean”pajamas” or the more modern term “onesie,” you idiots… seriously,  twitchy)

Keep talking it out!


Week in Review:

marijuana overdose

Prescription Pills and Prince




#WiretapWednesday 4-27-2016 #PantsOnHeadCrazy




Abu sayyaf

Abu Sayyaf and their hostages

Countdown to E Day: COMELEC leak, Third Presidential Debate Analysis,Abu Sayyaff beheads a Canadian Tourist and Clarification on Duterte’s Rape Joke




The Secret Societies Podcaste No. 1




Are Turkish People Mentally Ill?


corruption, Duterte, Filipino, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, IOOF, Islam, islamic state, Philippines, pinoy, politics, positivity, race, Rape, satire, Uncategorized

Duterte-the Debate-Terrorism-the COMELEC hack

The Podcaste World Forum with Joshua Matipo

Countdown to E Day: COMELEC leak, Third Presidential Debate Analysis,Abu Sayyaff beheads a Canadian Tourist and Clarification on Duterte’s Rape Joke.

News Overload in the Philippines as the Election Day draws near and the Presidential and Local Campaign reaches its final phase: Headlines- Countdown to E Day: COMELEC leak, Third Presidential Debate Analysis,

Abu Sayyaf beheads a Canadian Tourist and Clarification on Duterte’s Rape Joke. I apologize if you will hear me cussing or saying bad words in English and Filipino due to out of frustration on the issues today.

#blacklivesmatter, 2nd Ammendment, Anonymous, apple, Ben Carson, bernie sanders, blacklivesmatter, blimp, bomb, budget, conservatism, Cruz, data destruction, Donald Trump, dope pope hats, giveaway, gonna take our guns, government waste, Hillary Clinton, Hot Mike, IEDs, Joe Biden, Liberalism, Martin O'Malley, memorial, News, Obama, over reaction, Philippines, podcast, politics, positivity, radioactive, Religion, satire, segregation, Skepticism, Stolen Valor, t.p.p., terrorism, the pope, thermite, tpp, Trans Pacific Partnership, trump

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